A triathlete is set to host an event to show women how they can combat the worst effects of the menopause with good nutrition and exercise.

Janette Cardy will host the session at Carterton Leisure Centre from 7.30pm on May 2.

Attendees can take part in 'taster' sessions of strength training, stretching and gym exercise. 

To book your space at the event see the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/menopause-health-fitness-tickets-871134525817?aff=oddtdtcreator

There will also be a talk from Ms Cardy, who lives in Witney and has represented Great Britain as a triathlete in both European and world events.

Oxford Mail: Janette CardyJanette Cardy (Image: GLL)

Having battled Graves' disease, an autoimmune condition that causes weight-loss and anxiety, and experienced the perimenopause, Ms Cardy, who has been a personal trainer for more than 20 years, recognises exercise's role in maintaining good health.

She had two strokes as a result, but said she was told by her doctors that she would not have survived if she had not been fit.

She said: "I fought my way back to good health with exercise.

"I felt like I’d been given a second chance at life so I decided to help other women with their own experiences of menopause.

“I’m not a doctor so I would never give medical advice, but strength-training is crucial as we tend to lose muscle-mass and bone-density as we age."

Advanced booking is recommended due to limited spaces.

To learn more about Ms Cardy and her work, visit her website.